Atmel AVR8015
7. You can see that the corresponding directories and the library file for these files
are added to the project.
shows the necessary library added in the
project properties.
Figure 4-23.
Included libraries.
Set the Optimization Level.
Please ensure the optimization level is set to Optimize for size (-Os) both in Release
and Debug profile. This option is available under Project
AVR/GNU C Compiler
Please ensure the optimization level is configured in the project.
Now save and build the project, and if all the steps mentioned above have
been followed, you should be able to build successfully with no errors.
4.3 Task 3: Create a virtual kit in design mode and verifying the pin configuration
Create a virtual kit.
1. Launch Atmel QTouch Studio. Select Design Mode.
2. Design mode shall provide editable virtual kit. It allows users to add buttons,
wheels, sliders, and kit background image and select kit technology (QTouch or
3. Check the Auto-assign Channels option.
Figure 4-24.
Design mode.