Use Doorphone Alert Extensions (#606) to identify up to five extensions
that will be signalled by a doorphone when the doorphone button is
Make sure the doorphone extension is not in the Pickup Group (#501),
Calling Group (#502), Night Service Group (#504), or Hunt Group
(#505). (See page 5-13.)
Call Reporting
Centrex may provide call reporting and accounting services. However, if you do
not subscribe to this service, you can install call accounting devices and
printers that allow you to print call reports. To get a better idea of the call
reporting capabilities available with your premises equipment, see “Call
Reporting Devices (SMDR)” on page 7-7.
To set up a call accounting device or printer for call reporting, install the
equipment according to the directions on page 2-13. Then use SMDR Record
Type (#608) to specify the type of calls that you want to record for call reporting.
Fax Machines
Fax Machine Extensions (#601) lets you identify an extension on which a fax
machine is installed. If you also program the fax extension as an Intercom
Calling button (by storing the extension jack number on a programmable button
with a light), the button will show the status of the fax machine when it is in use
or needs paper. Do not assign a fax machine’s primary line to any other
extension. See “Fax Machines” on page 7-1 for more details on setting up and
using fax machines.
Music on Hold
Music on Hold (#602) activates or deactivates an optional music-on-hold
system, which can be connected to an RCA jack on the equipment controller
(see page 2-13).
Identifying the
Equipment Features You Need
Table 4-6 shows the optional features available with your premises equipment.
Make a check mark in the rightmost column to indicate whether you need the
feature shown on that row. The page numbers where you can find programming
information are shown in the “For instructions, see. . .” column. Two types of
features are included in the table:
System Programming. Features that are available through System
Programming are identified by the procedure code that is used to
program the feature (# and three digits). For these features, the “For
instructions, see . . .” column of Table 4-6 shows the words System
Customizing Your System