problem, C-4
using, 6-6
Recall feature
programming, 5-16
using, 6-10
Recall Timer Duration procedure (#107), 5-10
Receptionist’s extension
Central Call Coverage, 4-3
Centrex Call Coverage, 4-5
line assignments, 1-5
Local Call Coverage, 4-7
Night Service button, 4-10
programming, 4-3, 4-10
Reference materials, viii
Related documentation, viii
REN (Ringer Equivalence Number), 1-10, 2-5, D-1
Repairs, C-9
Repertory dialer, 1-12
Replacing a module, 2-14
Reset Line Assignments procedure (#722), 5-10
all calls from an extension, 5-12
Allowed phone numbers, 5-12
Centrex, 3-6
Disallowed phone numbers, 5-12
equipment, 4-15
outside line, 4-16
secondary line, 4-10
Ringer Equivalence Number (REN), 1-10, 2-5, D-1
Centrex, 1-6
delayed, 1-5
intercom, B-2
patterns, 6-2
primary line, 1-5, 3-1
problem, C-5
secondary line, 1-5, 3-3
Rotary Dialing Timeout procedure (#108), 5-10
Safety instructions, ii
Safety statements, viii
Save Number Redial feature
programming, 5-16
using, 6-10
Secondary line
assignment, 1-5, 3-3
defined, 1-5
dialing restrictions, 4-10, 4-15
ringing, 1-5, 3-3
Setup decisions
auxiliary equipment, 4-22
button-down operation, 4-7
call coverage, 4-3, 4-5 to 4-8, 4-10
call reporting device (SMDR), 4-24
changing configuration, vii
dialing restrictions, 4-15
doorphone, 4-23
Hotline phone, 4-23
Night Service, 4-13
paging, 4-12
speed dialing, 4-14
SMDR (Call reporting device)
connecting devices, 2-13
description, 1-11
jack, 1-8
setup, 7-7
setup decisions, 4-24
SMDR Record Type procedure (#608), 4-24, 5-13
SMDR Top of Page procedure (#609), 5-13
paging, 6-14
using, 6-6
description, 1-12
performance tips, 6-7
using, 6-7
Special characters, 5-14
Specifications, D-1
call reporting device (SMDR), D-1
capacities, D-1
dimensions and weights, D-1
electrical, D-2
environmental requirements, D-2
expansion processor module, D-3
extension jack, D-1 to D-2
extension out of building, D-2
In-Range Out-of-Building (IROB) protectors, D-2
local phone company information, D-1
Page jack, D-2
primary processor module, D-3
switch fabric, D-1
wiring, D-2
Speed dialing
Centrex feature, 3-6
equipment feature, 4-14
form, A-1
programming, 5-14
using, 6-13
Standard telephone
installation, 2-4
limitations, 6-8
using, 6-7
Switch fabric specifications, D-1
standard phone, 6-8
using, 6-6