Telephone services that your local telephone
company provides from a Central Office (CO)
located outside your business premises, including
Centrex lines connected to the equipment controller
and the featues available on those Centrex lines.
(Your telephone company may call Centrex by
another name.)
Centrex extension number
A short code (or “Centrex extension ID”) that can be
used to dial another extension within the Centrex
system. Typically, this is the last digits of the
Centrex telephone number.
Centrex system
The total block of Centrex lines you subscribe
to—all or some of which may be connected to the
equipment controller for your system—together with
the Centrex services associated with those lines.
See also Premises equipment and System.
Centrex telephone number
The phone number that outside callers dial to reach
an extension within the Centrex system.
Combination extension
An extension that has two devices connected to it
using a special connector called a bridging
adapter. Combination extensions can connect two
industry-standard devices or an industry-standard
device and an MLS- or MLC-model phone, but not
two MLS- or MLC-model phones.
See Equipment controller.
An AT&T proprietary phone that can be wall
mounted outside your office or in a lobby to allow
visitors to alert up to five system extensions by
pressing a button. The doorphone includes a
speaker and microphone, to allow two-way
conversation between the doorphone and the
phone that answers.
Equipment controller
The AT&T product that you purchased as part of
your system. This product consists of a group of
modules that connect Centrex lines coming into
your building to the extensions in your system. The
equipment controller also provides equipment
Equipment feature
A feature provided by your equipment controller (as
opposed to a service provided by Centrex).
Equipment feature button
A programmable telephone button on an MLS- or
MLC-model telephone that enables you to access
an equipment feature with one touch, simply by
pressing the button. See also Auto Dial button and
Programmable button.
Expansion carrier
The optional component of the AT&T equipment
controller that can be connected to the primary
carrier to expand your system’s line and extension
capacity. See also Primary carrier.
Expansion processor module
The main module of the expansion carrier, which
must be installed in the center slot of the expansion
carrier. This AT&T module extends the primary
carrier’s management capabilities to the 206 and
400 modules installed in the expansion carrier. See
also Primary processor module.
A destination in the system that can be dialed.
Extension jack
The location on 206 modules that allows you to
connect phones (or other telecommunications
devices) to the equipment controller.
Extension jack number
The number assigned to each extension jack on a
206 module. Extension jack numbers run
consecutively from 10 through 33 (for a two-carrier
Extension Programming
A method of telephone programming that lets users
program their own extensions from their MLS- or
MLC-model phones. Extension Programming is an
alternative to Centralized Telephone Programming.