7. Phone Does
Not Ring
Possible Cause
Do This
1. Volume control is
set too low (MLS- or
MLC-model phone)
or turned off
(standard phone).
Problem is solved.
2. Do not disturb, call
forwarding, or a
similar Centrex
feature is turned on.
3. Equipment feature
Do Not Disturb or
Call Forwarding is
turned on.
4. Phone’s Line
Ringing option may
be programmed for
“no ring” or
“delayed ring.”
5. Local phone
company Centrex
service may be the
8. Trouble
Called Party
1. If you are using an
MLS- or MLC-
model phone,
there may be a
problem with the
2. If you are using a
there may be
factors that affect
the performance of
the speaker or
microphone (for
example, back-
ground noise).
The problem is not
3. If the system is set
for rotary dialing,
the Rotary Dialing
Timeout interval is
too long. (If equip-
ment is set for
touch-tone dialing,
you may have a
faulty phone or cord.
See Problem 16,
page C-8.)
Press the volume
control button to
increase ringer
volume, or turn ringer
Turn off any Centrex
Check to see if Do Not
Disturb or Call
Forwarding is turned
Check to see if the
phone’s Line Ringing
option is programmed
for “no ring” or
“delayed ring.” Refer
to page 5-15.
Connect a standard
telephone to the
network interface jack
for the line assigned to
the extension and
make a call to it to test
Remove the handset
and cord and
substitute a handset
and cord from an MLS-
or MLC-model phone
that you have tested.
See “Speakerphone
Performance Tips” on
page 6-7 for
suggestions on the
proper use of the
Reset the Rotary
Dialing Timeout (#108)
interval. Refer to page
Phone rings
increasingly louder,
Phone still does not
Phone rings,
Centrex feature is not
Feature is on,
Feature is off,
Line Ringing is set
for “no ring” or
“delayed ring,”
Line Ringing is set
for “immediate ring,”
Standard phone
does not ring,
Standard phone
The problem is
The problem is not
You can hear the
called party answer,
The problem is not
Go to Possible Cause 2.
Problem is solved.
Go to Possible Cause 3.
Turn feature off (press
programmed button or
dial feature code).
Go to Possible Cause 4.
Change programming if
Phone may be faulty.
Follow Procedure for
Problem 16, page C-8.
Contact your local
telephone company.
MLS- or MLC-model
phone may be faulty.
Follow procedure for
Problem 16, page C-8.
Call the AT&T Helpline*
to order a replacement.
Go to Possible Cause 2.
Go to Possible Cause 3.
The problem is solved.
Call the AT&T Helpline*.
In the U.S., help is available 24 hours a day at 1 800 628-2888. In Canada call your local AT&T authorized dealer.
Maintenance and Customer Support