nc. U.S.A.
Trademark of ASTI
pH / ORP / ISE / DO / Conductivity Measurement Products Lines
“Trend Display” Menus
The last 1,000 records that are datalogged are stored
in the system RAM and can be visualized in the
trend display. Since datalogging occurs every 30
secons for the process values and temperature from
each connected sensor this equates to slightly more
than the last 8 hours of trending is available for each
channel. Of course all is automatically logged in
permanent manner onto the integral USB flash drive
and can be downloaded remotely via FTP as desired.
Selecting the desired channel will load the trend
display graph that is appropriate for the sensor type.
In the configuration for the three (3) channel
touchscreen controller used for these screenshots
channel #1 is pH, channel #2 is dissolved oxygen
(D.O.) and channel #3 is standard ORP. The three
trend graphs shown to the right are representative of
the type of trend graphs that will load for each of
these sensor types.
It is possible to rewind and fast forward the graph to
anywhere in the last 8 hour period. At any sampling
point clicking on the graph will yield the exact
process and temperature values at that moment. For
the dissolved oxygen sensor types only ppm values
are displayed. For percent (%) saturation values
download the logged data from the USB flash drive
as per the instructions provided later in this manual.
Since values for these real-time on-screen trending
graphs are stored in the RAM, they will disappear
once the unit is powered down. Also sine they are a
rolling 8 hour period new values will replace older
values once the 1,000 sample limit is reached.