page 19
Fig. 59
Fig. 60
Figs. 61 & 62
Open bag E and remove the #6572
3/8" long roll pin. Now using a pair of needle nose pliers
squeeze the roll pin into the hole in the #6571 drive shaft and
center the pin to the best of your ability (see fig. 62).
Tip: You can use your needlenose pliers to gently close
the split on one end of the roll pin. This slightly smaller
end will then be easier to get started into the roll pin hole.
Fig. 61
Fig. 62
# 6572
ro ll pin
Figs. 63, 64 & 65
We are now going to install
the other gears into the right transmission housing. (1) First
we need to install the second #7669 drive shaft spacer onto
the outer end of the #6571 drive shaft/gear assembly. (2) now
pick up your differential assembly so we can install it into the
lower bearing of your transmission case.
Note: Make sure
that you install the diff bolt head so that it will end up on the
same right (passenger) side of the transmission where the
drive shaft is. If you install the diff backwards so that it is on
the left or driver's side you may have a problem with the diff
backing off (loosening up). (3) Now we can install the #6570
idler gear (that was also in bag D) into the transmission case.
(4) Fig. 65 shows all three gears installed into the right case
half with the left case half ready to install over the gears.
Fig. 63
Fig. 64
Fig. 65
Fig. 66
Open bag F and remove the three #6928 4-
40 x 1.0" SHCScrews and one #6925 4-40 x 1/2" SHCScrew.
Fit the two transmission housing halves together and thread
the three #6928 SHCScrews into the upper three holes in the