Configuring the Unit via its Web Interface
ENC 1202
Version 1.0 Page
4.7 Routing
The “Routing” menu allows you to view and edit the ENC 1202’s channel assignments.
4.7.1 Routing > Dante
The “Dante” submenu is used to change the routing settings within the Dante network.
This is where you can establish the desired connections (Subscriptions) in the virtual
Dante matrix. All channels provide the same settings.
This submenu only allows you to assign incoming (RX) Dante channels to outgoing (TX)
Dante channels. See “I/O” (p. 40) for how to route signals originating from the ENC 1202
to Dante TX channels.
These settings can also be edited using Audinate’s Dante Controller software.
Type and Label
The channel number (e.g. “DANTE RX 01”) and the associated label (e.g. “01 DANTE RX”). If
necessary, the label can be changed using “Label” (p. 33).
“Subscription” displays which channel of which device is currently connected to this Dante
input of the ENC 1202. The naming pattern is the following: “channel@device” (example:
“DANTE TX 01@ENC-1202-0e1530”).
See also “Establishing and Clearing a Subscription” (p. 38).