Software and Firmware Requirements
Software and Firmware Requirements
Software Requirements
The software prerequisite for controlling the XY autosampler is Agilent
ChemStation software revision A.06.02 or later.
Agilent ChemStation software revisions A.05.04 or lower, do not support the
XY autosampler.
Agilent ChemStation software supporting the XY autosampler are:
General purpose software for UV-visible spectroscopy
Advanced software for UV-visible spectroscopy
Dissolution testing software for UV-visible spectroscopy (applies to
single-bath dissolution testing only)
Operating capabilities of the XY autosampler vary with software package. A
fully automated and flexible control of the sampler is only available with the
advanced software package.
Firmware Requirements
To control the Agilent 8453 spectrophotometer through the revision A.06.02
Agilent ChemStation software, you must have revision A.03.30 firmware
loaded on the main board of the spectrophotometer.
You can check the revision of the main board firmware by selecting
Verification and Diagnostics mode in the Agilent ChemStation. In Verification
and Diagnostics
choose Information in the Task drop down list box. Under
the item Summary Information in the Instrument Information drop down list
box, you will find the item Instrument General. Click on the Instrument
General button and information on the Agilent 8453, including main board
firmware revision, is displayed.
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