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The Flanger sweeps harmonically spaced filter notches through a signal’s
spectrum. The Low Frequency Oscillator (LFO) Speed determines the sweep
rate and the LFO Shape determines the sweep pattern. Some of the flanger
classes have dynamics sensing, which can use input level to switch the effect
in and out or trigger the LFO. NOTE: The flanger effect is strongest when Mix
is set to 50.
The Vocal Flanger is the traditional flanger effect with the addition of dynamics sensing, which can be used to
fade the effect in and out when the Threshold level is crossed. Threshold is set with the Special parameter
and Decay sets the effect’s fade times.
An Instrument Flanger recreates the sound of the “classic” flanger, such as the MXR flangers from the late
70’s. Bandwidth and LFO parameters are controlled to produce the characteristic sound and control action.
For example, as LFO Speed is increased, Width is automatically adjusted within a musical range.
The Concert Flanger creates a high-end, studio flanger. It’s the full-blown effect with extended bandwidth and
less linking between LFO Width and Speed.
The Gated Flanger is the Instrument effect with the addition of dynamics sensing, which can be used to duck
the effect in and out depending on the Threshold level. Threshold is set with the Special parameter.
The Ambient Flanger is a “spatial” effect that can flange the
information in a stereo mix. Difference
information is the part of a mix that does not occur equally in both of the stereo channels, often such as
guitars, backing vocals, and reverb tails. Instruments like lead vocals, bass, and some drums are often mixed
to the center, creating the
information (common between the left and right channels). This algorithm
processes either the difference information or the full mix (consisting of both difference and common
information), depending on the Difference Factor setting (see the Special parameter below). Try Factory
Preset #68 with your favorite CDs and then on your own stereo tracks or mixes. Due to its stereo nature, this
class is not available in Discrete 4 routing.