- 17 -
Engine button to enable routing changes. If you press any other button instead, the old routing will be
NOTE: Panner and Rotary are stereo effects and are not available in Discrete 4 (mono) routing.
It should now sound like different effect algorithms are processing the audio entering the
Quadra/FX; these are the default effects for the routing that you chose. To change an
effect, you must first select its engine or engine group. If you chose Stereo Routing, there
is only one available engine group and it is automatically selected for you. To select a
different engine when using any of the other routings, turn the Encoder. All Engine LEDs
are lit and the currently selected engine or engine group is flashing. Again, to review how the engines relate to the
inputs and outputs, see the beginning of this tutorial, or page 27.
Press the Effects button to edit the selected engine’s effect. All available
Effect and Class LEDs are lit (more on Classes below) and the currently
selected Effect LED is flashing. To select a different effect, turn the Encoder
and then press the Class button to load it. If you press any other button
instead, the old effect will be restored.
Notice that when you load an effect, the Concert Class is automatically selected for
you (its LED is flashing). Classes are effect variations and are named after the
applications they are optimized for: Vocal, Instrument, Concert, Gated, Ambient, and
Dynamic. (See page 28 for a description of all effect classes.) To change the current
class, turn the Encoder. You can immediately hear the sound differences of each
class and the LEDs of all editable parameters become lit.
If you wish to change the value of any of the effect’s parameters, press the
Parameter button and use the Encoder to scroll through your choices. All
available parameter LEDs remain lit, but now the currently selected
parameter is flashing and its value is shown in the Preset / Value Display.
When you have chosen the parameter that you want to edit, press the