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Editing MIDI Parameters:
To edit the Quadra/FX’s MIDI parameters, press the MIDI button. Notice that all
of the Smart Meter LEDs are lit and its MIDI Map/-18 LED is flashing. The
Smart Meter is no longer showing audio level. Instead, its LEDs (along with the
text to the left) indicate which MIDI parameter is selected for editing. Also,
notice that Routing and Engine LEDs are on to remind you of the preset’s
routing and which engine’s MIDI parameters you are currently editing. Also, notice that all parameter LEDs
are off.
NOTE: While editing MIDI parameters, you can always return to Preset mode by pressing the MIDI button
again. Pressing any of the other buttons will perform their usual functions.
If you turn the Encoder, you will scroll through six MIDI options: MIDI map, the four controller assignments,
and channel (turn the Encoder to the left). Both the Smart Meter LEDs and the Display change to show you
the current parameter and its corresponding value.
Setting the MIDI Channel:
To set the Quadra/FX’s MIDI channel, turn the Encoder to the left until the Channel LED flashes, then press
the Encoder. Now all of the Smart Meter LEDs have gone out except for Channel and the Display shows a
number from
, or
, for Omni mode. This value is the MIDI channel that the Quadra/FX will receive
and transmit MIDI data on. Turn the Encoder to change values. If you select
, the Quadra/FX will receive
data on all 16 MIDI channels, but it will only send out data on Channel 1. The MIDI channel is automatically
saved whenever it is changed, so when you are done, press the Encoder to edit a different MIDI parameter.
Setting the MIDI Map:
To change the MIDI map of the current preset, turn the Encoder until the MIDI map LED flashes and then
press the Encoder. All the Smart Meter LEDs have gone out except for MIDI map. Now when you turn the
Encoder, the value in the Display changes to show the incoming program change number that will recall the
current preset. It can be set to any value from
, or
. While at this location, you can also
conveniently set the MIDI map by sending an external MIDI program change message on the Quadra/FX’s
MIDI channel. The Quadra/FX will not internally change patches when this happens; it just sets the MIDI Map
value to the patch change number that it receives.
An incoming program change message can only be set to recall one Quadra/FX preset. If the program
change number you selected is already being used by another preset, the Display will warn you by alternating
between the selected program change number and the other preset’s number. You can tell the two apart
because the decimal point to the far right of the preset number is lit. If you choose to store the current preset
with the already-used program change number, the Quadra/FX will replace the other preset’s MIDI map with a
value of