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Controls extra early-reflection delays that are used to modify the reverb envelope’s contour. This
parameter’s range is from 0 to 31. Use Shape settings from 0 to 6 to modify the initial attack envelope.
With settings from 7 to 23, the attack envelope stays constant, but spreads out in time. Settings above 23
create longer delays and a reverse slap.
Use this control to further shape the front-end of your hall or to create distant echo effects. Normally you
should set Delay, Size, Regen, Decay, and Width before you adjust Shape since its added delays are not
part of the main reverberator and should only be used for auxiliary reflections and special effects.
Sets the movement of the reverberation tail. This control is used to help make long decay times sound
more natural. The control’s range is from 0 to 9 and is normally set at 1, producing a very subtle effect. A
setting of 0 turns this control off. You can increase Pitch if long Decay times sound periodic. However, at
high settings, a perceived ‘wobbling’ in the reverb tail may be noticed on some instruments. Use care in
applying this parameter.
On Vocal, Instrument, and Concert classes, the reverb can be gated in or out at a preset audio input
level. Speed sets how fast this “gating” occurs. If set to 0, the gating is almost instantaneous and as you
increase towards 21, the gate “hold” time increases. As Speed is increased to 41, the ramp rate grows
until you get a slow, faded sound.
In the Dynamic class, Speed sets the time that it takes the reverb to go from a minimum decay to the
preset decay time, depending on the audio level.
Sets the listener’s position (depth) within the reverberant space. This parameter also varies the ratio of
early-reflections to later reverb. The Width control’s range is from 0 to 32. Low numbers correspond to
placing the microphone close to the sound source and create a sharp attack. Higher numbers emulate a
mic placed further back in the hall, with a slower, swelling attack. When used with percussive material on
the Plate reverb (at reasonable Decay and Size settings), this control adjusts the attack of the plate and
how well it sits in the mix.
Like Size, this parameter gives you considerable control over the reverb’s sound. Normally you should set
Size, Decay, and Regen first, and then adjust Width.
With the Gated class, this control sets the overall envelope, from forward to reverse, of the gated reverb.
For an even stronger reverse reverb effect, also use Shape at a high setting.
Special: In Vocal, Instrument, and Concert classes, Special sets the audio input level (Threshold) that controls
the gating action of the effect. This parameter can be set in 1-dB increments, from 1 to 30 dB below full-
scale. Normally, when the input signal is above the Threshold setting, reverberation is heard. With signals
below the Threshold, reverberation is muted. If the value in the Display is preceded by an r (
), this gating
action is reversed; signals below the Threshold setting produce reverb and ones above it do not.