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and #4. For more information on the different configurations of the Quadra/FX’s inputs and outputs, see page
27 and the tutorial starting on page 15.
The Output Level switch is used for matching the Quadra/FX’s output level to your system. Matched signal
levels are important for controlling the amount of distortion present in the final signal. Too little signal results in
a disproportionate amount of noise, while too much signal sounds distorted and gritty. The Output Level
switch has two positions: in (instrument level) and out (line level). Be sure to check your other equipment’s
manual for hints on setting its appropriate input levels.
NOTE: The Output switch’s setting is global, meaning that it affects the Quadra/FX’s output level, regardless
of which preset is engaged.
All Inputs are single-ended (unbalanced) ¼’ jacks with high impedance. The use of each input jack is
determined by a preset’s internal routing. For example, Cascade and Stereo Routings do not use Inputs #3
and #4. For more information on the different configurations of the Quadra/FX’s inputs and outputs, see page
27 and the tutorial starting on page 15.
If any Input (except #1) does not have a plug inserted, it will automatically take its signal from the closest,
lower-numbered, input jack that has a plug inserted. For example, if a ¼” plug is only inserted into Input #1,
then Inputs #2, #3, and #4 will also use the signal from Input #1.
The Input Level switch is similar to the Output Level switch, but is used for matching the level of the incoming
signal to the Quadra/FX. The Input Level switch has two positions: in (instrument level) and out (line level). Be
sure to check your other equipment’s manual for hints on setting its appropriate output levels.
NOTE: Like the Output Level switch, the Input Level’s setting is global, meaning that it affects the
Quadra/FX’s input level, regardless of which preset is engaged.