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The Quadra/FX contains four engines that can be routed in four different ways. Our proprietary Dynamic Engine
Allocation (DEA™) technology ensures that all DSP horsepower is effortlessly configured for your routing choice.
Press the Routing button and turn the Encoder to scroll through the four routings: Discrete 4, Twin Stereo, Cascade,
and Stereo.
Discrete 4:
This routing configures the Quadra/FX as four mono signal
processors. Each Input feeds its corresponding Output. However,
if any Input (except #1) does not have a jack inserted, it will take
its input from the closest previous one that has a plug inserted.
For example, if the unit is in Discrete 4 mode and ¼ inch plugs
are only inserted into Inputs #1 and #3, both Engines #1 and #2
will be fed from Input #1’s signal and Engines #3 and #4 will be fed from Input #3’s signal. Similarly, if just
Input #1 has a plug inserted, Engines #1, #2, #3, and #4 will all be fed from the signal at Input #1. This
scheme allows for some interesting processing options. For instance, if Engines #1 and #2 receive material
only from Input #1 (only one input jack inserted), and you are in Discrete 4 routing, you can create “unlinked”
stereo effects such as flangers and choruses with different sweep widths and rates in the left and right
channels. You could even create digital delays and reverbs with similarly unrelated, though “stereo-ized,”
channels. Since Engines #3 and #4 are also being fed from the same Input (#1), you could use those engines
for two more simultaneous effects. Remember that each engine still feeds its corresponding output jack,
regardless of where its input is taken from.
Twin Stereo:
This routing turns the Quadra/FX into two true-stereo processors.
Inputs #1 and #2 feed the first processor (consisting of grouped
Engines #1 and #2) and exit at Outputs #1 and #2, and Inputs #3
and #4 feed the second processor (consisting of grouped Engines
#3 and #4) and exit at Outputs #3 and #4. The left and right
channels of each processor remain separate, but any modulated
parameter, such as the sweep rate of a panner, is linked for the two
channels. With reverbs, however, the left and right channels are cross-coupled in time to realistically emulate
an acoustic space (they are NOT reduced to mono). For a non-cross-coupled and completely independent,
stereo reverb (one that couldn’t exist in the real world), choose Discrete 4 routing and put two identical reverb
programs in both Engine #1 and Engine #2.