Wet Stove Installation Guide
should not be fitted with a control valve as it should never be turned off or
down. The hot water cylinder must be indirect with a minimum capacity
of 110 litres conforming to BS 1566 part 1.
A radiator of approximately 2m
surface area should be connected to
the primary circuit.
Safety Vent Circuit
This circuit (shown in figure 5) consists of a cold feed pipe, a separate
expansion pipe and expansion tank. The possibility that water in the stove
boiler may boil can never be completely ruled out, and it is therefore vital
to ensure that cold water can be provided to the boiler and steam vented
from it at all times.
Figure 5: Safety Vent Circuit.
The use of an expansion tank is important. This should have a capacity
of at least 7 percent of the systems total water capacity. The cold water
feed pipe should be at least 22mm in diameter.
BK555 Rev09