Installing the filters (the design of the device may differ from the pictures)
Osmotic membrane: Open the filter package with scissors by cutting the end with two rubber seals in the
center tube of the filter. Insert the filter into the filter case without touching it with bare hands. Screw the
case cap on by hand until it stops. Connect the hose and locking pin. Note that the rubber seals in the
center tube of the osmosis membrane sink into the tube at the bottom of the case. This may require a little
pressing by hand. The osmosis membrane can be pushed inwards by pressing the center tube. The old
osmosis membrane can be disposed of with combustible mixed waste.
Pre-filters: In case of a new device, the filter casings open by turning them manually, but if the device has
been in use, it may be necessary to use the casing key tool as an aid. Close the casings by hand by turning
and tighten with the casing key tool.
There are two pre-filters. When viewed from the front, the left side is always a white polypropylene roll
(fine filter) and the right side is activated carbon by default, but depending on the water quality, this filter
can be replaced as needed, for example to an iron manganese filter or a hydrogen sulphide filter if pre-
filtering a certain impurity from water is required. This can prolong the life of the osmotic membrane, but
it does not affect the quality of the filtered water. Water quality always remains excellent after osmosis
purification. Old cartridges can be disposed of with combustible mixed waste.
Post-filters: Activated carbon and mineralization. Mineralization adds a small amount of calcium and
magnesium to the water, activated carbon acts as a general-purpose post-filter. These filters are replaced
as complete cartridges. Filters must not be opened. The filters are removed and attached from the hose
connector. Note the flow direction and filter position before removing the old filters. Old cartridges can be
disposed of with combustible mixed waste.
Click off
Osmotic membrane
Osmotic membrane cap
¼” Hose