Technical information
Recommended feed water pH 6,5 – 8,5
Recommended feed water TDS value less than 1500 mg/l (electrical conductivity approx. 2350 µs/cm)
Recommended feed water hardness less than 500 mg/l
Recommended chlorine content of feed water less than 0.5 mg/l
Recommended iron content of feed water below 500 µg/l (if higher, pre-filtration is recommended)
Recommended manganese content of feed water less than 100 µg/l (if higher, pre-filtration is
Supply pressure 2 - 6 bar, if the pressure is less than 3 bar, the production of clean water may be slow
Diaphragm tank pressure (when unconnected) 0.4 - 0.6 bar
Recommended feed water tempe 4… + 35 ° C
Feed water connector threads ½ inches, external and internal
Dimensions of the filter unit: width 380 mm, height 450 mm, depth 140 mm
Diaphragm pressure tank: height 430 mm and diameter 270 mm
Diaphragm pressure tank clean water capacity: 8 - 10 liters, depending on supply pressure
The production rate of purified water is about 3 deciliters per minute, depending on the water pressure
in the network. The higher the pressure, the higher the rate. The salinity (chloride) and electrical
conductivity of water also have an effect on the rate of yield. The higher the salinity or electrical
conductivity, the lower the production rate related to pressure.
Components included in the package
1. Osmosis unit
2. Water tank
3. Osmotic
4.Clean water tap
5. Casing key tool
6. Hose
7. Water tank
8. Connectors
9. Feed valve