Using AquaGuard 2 for remote Communications
The AquaGuard 2 Software Program CD needs
to be installed on a PC or laptop to be used for
communications and be within its 30 day free
trial period, or the AquaGuard 2 Activation Key
CD must be purchased and installed on the
PC to allow communication with the particular
AquaGuard 2
can be used for communications
and downloads in two modes -
- connect the laptop with AquaGuard 2
installed to the DB9 connector on the controller
located internally on PCB, using a serial cable.
- with a GSM modem and SIM data
card installed in the controller - AquaGuard 2
can be used to communicate between a laptop,
equipped with a mobile phone and Bluetooth
adaptor, via the GSM network to the controller
See AquaGuard 2 User Manual for full
Troubleshooting of AquaGuard 2
AquaGuard software has been extensively tested
during both development and site trials. However,
the rate at which PC hardware and software is
developing make it impossible to ensure that
AquaGuard will operate in all situations. The
greatest problem facing new installations is to
ensure that the software can be installed and that
correct communications can be made.
Problems with Software Installation.
If error messages occur while AquaGuard is
being installed, record the details of the error and
details of the PC that AquaGuard is being installed
onto such as speed, RAM size, operating system
(Windows 2000 etc), serial devices fitted to the
PC, and free disk space. Relay this information
to Aquarius Technologies and our software team
will endeavour to find a solution.
Problems with Communication.
If correct communications cannot be established,
record any error messages being shown and
perform the following troubleshooting steps to
ascertain the problem:
Determine that the modem has been set to operate
at 9600 baud, 8 bits, 1 stop, and no parity.
Determine that the modem is initiallising by
observing flashing LEDS on the modem at the
start of the connection.
Use HyperTerminal to communicate with an
external PC such as in an IT department or within
Aquarius Technologies.
Ascertain if the modem is connected to the site
and the controller is receiving the incoming call
and is auto-answering.
Supply Aquarius with the site details to ascertain
if a connection can be made from another PC.
System Configuration
System Configuration