SIM Card setup request from Service
1. Aquarius recommends using Telstra as a
Service Provider for Data Communications
in Australia - between AquaGuard and the
Water Treatment Controller.
2. When requesting a new account from your
Service Provider, the following information
should be given to them in order to receive
a SIM card that is
data enabled
and has the
correct phone number.
a. Advise the Service Provider that you require
Data enabled SIM Card
b. The account should have
no voice
message service
c. The account should be stripped of all
auxiliary services
d Ask for the
Data Telephone Number
as well as the Voice Number of the
3. Once you receive your new SIM card
perform the following functions
a. Remove all password protection from the
SIM. i.e.
no Pin Numbers to switch on
This can be done by inserting the SIM card
into a telephone and removing the PIN
activation on start up
b. Insert SIM card into the modem by removing
the black cover situated below the LED,
lifting the SIM holder, and placing the SIM
in the slot. Remember to push the SIM
card holder
into the LOCK position
c. Record the Data telephone number in a
safe place. Aquarius recommends placing
a sticker with the number on the modem
4. All messaging and other features can now be
setup via AquaGuard.
5. Should there be any further problems in
accessing data or receiving SMS messages
from the SIM card,
Please contact the
Telstra Help Desk on 1300 131 816 or your
Service Provider. They are equipped to
deal with Data Accounts etc.
Programming a GSM modem –
You communicate with your modem via a serial
communications program such as HyperTerminal,
Telix. etc. Plug the cable provided from the
modem into the serial port of your computer.
Set up the communications program for direct
connection to your serial port (COM1, COM2 etc)
at 9600 Baud, 8 Data & 1 Stop Bit, with no Parity
or Flow Control. The
command (+
should now return the current modem settings
to the screen. Once you have established
communications with the modem you can begin
the Set Up using the following commands.
Modem Alarm Setup
for “C” series controllers.
Check Registered phone numbers
Delete all registered phone numbers
Enable the use of text mode parameters
Set text mode parameters
Switch the module to text mode
Save the settings
Program the phone book
,”0421XXXXXX”,129,”Berts Mob”
,”0419XXXXXX”,129,”Freds Mob”
,”0419XXXXXX”,129,”Toms Ph”
Index’s 1 to 10 to be used for alarm messages.
You can do things like: -
List all the phone numbers
To send a test sms message
AT+CMGS=”<phone number>”<enter>alarm
message here<CTRL-Z>
SMS call centre number -
If your having trouble sending an SMS from the
GSM Modem it may be that the SMS Call Centre
number on the sim card is incorrect. To check
this place the SIM card into a mobile phone then
go into
Messages => Message Settings =>
Message Centre Number.
The number here
in Australia should be
If not,
change the number and save it to the SIM card
before returning it to the GSM Modem.
Signal Strength -
You can check the signal strength at your
location by entering the AT+CSQ command.
This can be done with or without the SIM Card
in the Modem. A 0-33 response is OK. If
you get 99 back, there is no Network available.
System Configuration
System Configuration