use and maintenance
TUONO 1000
Write down your name, address and
t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r a n d t h e v e h i c l e
identification number in the space below,
to facilitate finding the owner in case your
vehicle is recovered after theft.
LAST NAME: ............................................
NAME: ......................................................
ADDRESS: ...............................................
TELEPHONE NO.: ...................................
Very often stolen vehicles are
identified thanks to the data written in the
use/maintenance manual.
IMMOBILIZER (if fitted)
The vehicle is fitted with an immobilizer
antitheft system
is automatically activated each time the
ignition key is removed from the switch.
Store the spare key in a safe place.
I m m o b il i z e r s y s t e m k ey s c a nn o t b e
duplicated. If both keys are lost, you will
h a v e t o h a v e a n u m b e r o f v e h i c l e
components replaced (rather than just the
key-operated locks).
Embedded in the key grip is a transponder,
an electronic device that modulates the
radio frequency signal emitted by a special
antenna built into the switch when the key
is turned to on. The modulated signal acts
as a "password" that tells the control unit
whether an authorized key is being used to
start the engine.
The Immobilizer system supports
up to four enabled keys. New keys can
only be enabled at your Official Dealer,
who has the master key available.
The programming procedure wipes off all
existing key codes. An owner who wishes
to have a new key enabled, will have to
bring all the keys he intends to be using to
the Dealer.
Immobilizer status is indicated by a
dashboard light (1):
– Immobilizer off - light off
– Immobilizer on - light flashes every three
seconds as a theft deterrent
– Unknown key - light flashes every
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