Operating Your Video Editor
Adjusting the Placement of Your Graphic
When you apply a graphic from the Graphics bin, it will appear centered
over the video to which it is applied. To modify the placement of the
graphic, click on the graphic within the preview area of the Editor screen,
and drag it to the desired position.
Completing Your Project
When you have completed working with your video and are ready to put it
onto tape, follow these steps:
1. If you’re not already in the Editor screen, press the key on
the keyboard.
2. Press the Master key on the keyboard. The video will begin to play
through from the beginning in full screen. The video signal is output
simultaneously to all video outputs. The system will automatically insert
five seconds of black video before the video begins and after the video is
3. Press the Record key on the recording device you are using (VCR,
camcorder, etc).
4. Press the Stop key on your recording device when the video is finished.
The screen will be blank for approximately five seconds after the Master key
is pressed. Do not press the Record key on your recording device until the
screen has blacked out.