(1) CF Center Frequency
The frequency at the center of the screen is always indicated in MHz, and the highest
resolution is 10 Hz.
(2) SPAN Total displayed bandwidth
The center frequency appears in the middle of the display with the frequency extending
to the left and right. The total frequency spread from the left through center to the right is
referred as the total SPAN.
(3) SF Start Frequency
The frequency displayed at the bottom left of the screen is the Start Frequency of the
(4) EF End Frequency
The frequency displayed on the right bottom of the screen is the End (Stop) Frequency of
the SPAN.
(5) RBW Resolution Band Width
Displays the current resolution in KHz. The resolution is selectable from 4 KHz, 32 KHz,
64 KHz, and 128 KHz. Greater detail is obtained by selecting 4 KHz, often with a lower
baseline wihile 128 KHz provides faster refresh rates.
(6) STEP Tuning Frequency Step
The tuning frequency step of the connected receiver is displayed in KHz. As an example,
when the span is set to 10 MHz, the frequency step will be 31.250 KHz.
(10 MHz / 320 steps on the X – axis = 31.250 KHz)
In the Step Resolution Mode, each step will be will be equal to the frequency step.
(7) OP. MODE Operating Mode
Three operating modes are available with the SDU5600.
: Spectrum Analyzer mode
.: Step Resolution mode
: Channel Scope mode
(8) MARKER (9) Marker Information
The frequency and strength of signals may be read on the screen. Under the Marker
menu, the peak signal search is also available.
(9) Operation indicator
This green color indicator is provided to indicate the mode of data entry.
When it is displays a round green symbol, data entry can be made by the rotary dial
When it is displays a square green symbol, data entry can be made by the numeric key
(0 ~ 9, decimal.)