The ARC OFF join is used to deactivate the Anthem Room Control function for the currently selected source.
The command gets sent on the rising edge of this join, the trailing edge has no effect. The current state is
reflected in the ARC_OFF_FB output signal.
The Setup join is used to show the Receivers setup menu. This can be used in conjunction with the IR input
analog join to open and navigate the menu.
The Zone2 Power ON join is used to power zone 2 on. The command gets sent on the rising edge of this join,
the trailing edge has no effect. During the power on sequence the amplifier will update feedback for a
number of items, a process that takes about 1 second, so its best to leave it some time to do that before
attempting further control.
The Zone2 Power OFF join is used to power zone 2 down. The command gets sent on the rising edge of this
join, the trailing edge has no effect.
The Zone2 Volume Up Command is used to raise the volume of zone 2. The command is a single shot, so if
you want to perform a press and hold you will need to run this signal through an oscillator (OSC). This
command affects the volume percentage so you will want to configure the amplifier to display percentage.
The Volume Down Command is used to lower the volume of the zone 2. The command is a single shot, so if
you want to perform a press and hold you will need to run this signal through an oscillator (OSC). This
command affects the volume percentage so you will want to configure the amplifier to display percentage.
The Zone2 Volume DB Up Command is used to raise the volume of the zone 2. The command is a single
shot, so if you want to perform a press and hold you will need to run this signal through an oscillator (OSC).
This command affects the volume by incrementing the DB so you will want to configure the amplifier to
display DB.
The Zone2 Volume DB Down Command is used to lower the volume of the zone 2. The command is a single
shot, so if you want to perform a press and hold you will need to run this signal through an oscillator (OSC).
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