The TrebleDown join is used to lower the current treble level by 0.5dB. The command gets sent on the rising
edge of this join, the trailing edge has no effect.
The BalanceLeft join is used to shift the balance to the left by half a step (for a maximum of 5 steps). The
command gets sent on the rising edge of this join, the trailing edge has no effect.
The BalanceRight join is used to shift the balance to the right by half a step (for a maximum of 5 steps). The
command gets sent on the rising edge of this join, the trailing edge has no effect.
The MessageDisplay signal is used to send a custom message to the receivers front display. The message
needs to be entered as strings into the CustomMessage string inputs first. Up to three lines will be sent. The
message will be displayed on the rising edge of this signal, and hidden on the trailing edge. This should be
connected to a stepper or toggle in your project.
The Trigger1 signal is used to turn on the Anthem 12V trigger port 1. The Trigger will be activated on the
rising edge of this signal, and deactivated on the trailing edge. This should be connected to a toggle or similar
in your project.
The Trigger2 signal is used to turn on the Anthem 12V trigger port 2. The Trigger will be activated on the
rising edge of this signal, and deactivated on the trailing edge. This should be connected to a toggle or similar
in your project.
The Trigger3 signal is used to turn on the Anthem 12V trigger port 3. The Trigger will be activated on the
rising edge of this signal, and deactivated on the trailing edge. This should be connected to a toggle or similar
in your project.
The ARC ON join is used to activate the Anthem Room Control function for the currently selected source.
The command gets sent on the rising edge of this join, the trailing edge has no effect. The current state is
reflected in the ARC_ON_FB output signal.
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