Safety and warning instructions
Requirements for the operating personnel
The qTOWER³ auto may only be operated by qualified specialist personnel instructed in
the use of the device. The instruction also includes imparting the contents of this oper-
ating manual.
In addition to the work safety instructions in this operating manual, the generally appli-
cable safety and accident prevention regulations of the respective country of operation
must be observed and adhered to. The operator must ascertain the latest version of
these regulations.
The operating manual has to be accessible to the operating and maintenance per-
sonnel at all times! Operation or maintenance of the device by individuals under the
influence of alcohol, drugs or medication is not permitted.
It must be ensured that only authorized personnel work at the device. The operating
personnel must be familiar with the dangers arising from samples and excipients.
Suitable personal protection equipment must be worn.
Prior to pauses or at the end of the work, appropriate skin cleaning and protection
measures must be carried out.
Eating, drinking and smoking at the installation location of the device is prohibited!
The device must be handled with the appropriate care and kept clean in accordance
with laboratory standards to prevent contamination of the device. Observance of
these laboratory rules reduces the risk of being contaminated with potentially infec-
tious material and the risk of cross-contamination of the samples. Wear protective
gloves and take other safety measures if there is a chance that your skin may come
into contact with infectious material when handling the device.
The operator must decontaminate the device if the housing or the sample block has
been contaminated with hazardous substances – suitable disinfectants and methods
are described in the section “Disinfecting the device” on page 31.
Disinfectants other than those specified may
be used following prior consultation
with Analytik Jena.
Safety instructions - Transport and installation
The device may only be transported with the transport locks in place and in its original
packaging. Always ensure that the device is empty and no sample vessels are in the
sample block. Further information can be found in separate packing instructions.
The qTOWER³ auto can be installed by the Analytik Jena Customer Service or specialist
personnel trained and authorized by Analytik Jena.
Observe the guide values and adhere to the legally mandated limits for lifting and carry-
ing without auxiliary means!
For safety reasons, 2 persons are required to transport the device.