Set MIDI channel
(press "EDIT")
Set MIDI channel
(Requires Analogue Systems RS295
Delay Expander module)
The channel set here is used
throughout the RS290 and RS295.
You cannot set it independently
for the Delay and Sampler
The selected MIDI channel is
used for both SysEx dumps and
program change commands.
Show input level
(press "EDIT")
Show output level
(press "EDIT")
Show input level
Show output level
These display the levels of the
signals presented to the SIGNAL
IN input and provided at the
OUT L output, respectively.
For optimum results, the signals
should lie in the "+" range. If
either signal lies below this in the
"-" range, you should check the
input level and, if necessary,
increase the INPUT GAIN or the
level offered by the device
providing the signal.
Peaking in the * range is
acceptable, but if either display
shows the "!" symbol, the signal
will be clipping, and unpleasant
distortion may result.
Show input level
Show output level
Set MIDI channel
Calibrate keyboard
Show version
Upgrade firmware
Show pot values
Factory defaults
Special options menu
Special options
(press "EDIT")