Menu Functions
OLDesign Overlay Design
Select the Add command to add a panel to the current project file.
Add panel text
Select the Add panel text command to add text or a titles to the current panel. The
Add Panel Text dialog box (Figure 9) prompts you for the text and allows you to
position the text on the panel. You can enter more than one title on each panel.
Radio Codes
Select the Radio Code command to assign a radio code to a transmitting device
(Figure 26).
Select the Rename command to rename current panel in the project. The Panel Name
dialog box (Figure 6) prompts you for a new name.
Select the Comment command to enter comments about a panel. The comments
appear on printouts only and do not appear on the overlay. They are for reference
and may be about the specific panel overlay or the job.
Select the Delete command to delete a panel.
Select the CreateDXF command to create a .DXF AutoCAD file for a panel.
Remove Bargraph
Select the Remove Bargraph command to remove a bargraph from the panel.
Restore Bargraph
Select Restore Bargraph to restore a bargraph that was just deleted.