Instruction Manual - NXA-ENET8-POE+
Resetting the Switch
The Reset button located on the front right side panel of the switch can be used to restart the device and set the configuration back
to either the currently saved configuration or the factory default settings.
Resetting to the Saved Configuration File
Press the Reset button for less than 5 seconds to restart the system software using the current saved configuration file settings.
Any unsaved changes in the currently running configuration will be lost and the only the saved settings in the startup configuration
file will be used when the switch reboots.
Resetting to the Factory Default Settings
Press the Reset button for more than 5 seconds to restart the system software using the factory default settings. Any unsaved
changes in the currently running configuration will be lost. The saved startup configuration file will still be available to select within
the switch user interface, if needed.
Pressing the reset button will lose any unsaved changes in the running switch configuration.
FIG. 19
Reset Button
Reset Button