Appendix H - EDID Programming
Hardware Reference Manual – DXLink™ Twisted Pair Transmitters/Receiver
Appendix H - EDID Programming
DGX Configuration Software Overview
If the TXs/RXs are configured for auto-setup via a connected Enova DGX Switcher with a 100 Series CPU, the
information in this chapter will not apply. For information on using the System Configuration interface to handle EDID management/
programming concerns, see the “Hardware Reference Manual - Enova DGX 100 Series Digital Medial Switchers.”
Because signals routed through DXLink Transmitters normally produce a quality image, you will not need the
information in this appendix unless the installation has special EDID requirements for VGA.
AMX’s DGX Configuration Software has a tabbed view for EDID Programming. This view can be used to re-program the EDID
EEPROM chips for the HD-15 connectors on the DXLink Transmitters, allowing for custom configuration of the EDID data that is
stored on them.
The remaining tabbed views in the software do not apply to the DXLink units. Scaling and HDCP settings can be applied via
SEND_COMMANDs (see the chapter “NetLinx Programming of DXLink Transmitters and Receivers” on page 64). If a DXLink Receiver is
connected to an Enova DGX Output Board, DGX Configuration Software can be used via the switcher for scaling (see the switcher’s
DGX Configuration Software is available at www.amx.com (on the Multi-Format Transmitter’s product page) and includes a
standard Help file with detailed information.
PC System Requirements for DGX Configuration Software v1.0.5
Windows 7 and Windows XP Professional
Minimum Hardware: 166 MHz, 128 MB RAM, 36 MB of free disk space*, 800x600 display, serial port, video card with dual
outputs (see Caution below)
Recommended Hardware: 2.0 GHz, 512 MB RAM*
* The installation process requires 36 MB of disk space for the DGX Configuration Software installer. Once installed, the program
requires 10 MB of disk space.
We strongly urge the user not to use video cards with DMS-59 connectors. Video cards with DMS-59 connectors have been
shown to fail consistently and, in the worst case, can corrupt an EDID data file. A laptop PC with a VGA or DVI out is a good solution.
Cards with 2 DVI connectors, 2 VGA connectors, or 1 DVI and 1 VGA connector are also acceptable.
Software Installation on PC
Administrator rights are required to install DGX Configuration Software.
To install DGX Configuration Software:
From the DXLink Multi-Format Transmitter’s product page at www.amx.com (under Application Files on the right) double-click,
“DGX Configuration Software.”
Click “I Accept” for the AMX License Agreement, and then select Open to download the file.
Optional – Select DGX_Config_SoftwareReadMe_vX_X to read about the software before installation.
Click the application file (which is zipped).
In the Compressed (zipped) Folders dialog box, click Extract All.
Select a destination for the files.
When the download is complete, click the application file and follow the directions in the installation wizard.
DXLink Connection to PC
To use DGX Configuration Software with a DXLink Transmitter:
Attach one end of a USB mini-B cable to the Program port on the front of the DX-TX (on the Wallplate TX, the Program port is
on the left side; on the Decor Wallplate TX, the Program port is in the center on the front under the customer provided cover
Attach the open end of the USB mini-B cable to the PC where the DGX Configuration Software was installed.
Apply power to the Transmitter. If power is via the DXLink connection, then apply power to the power sourcing device
(i.e., switcher, PDXL-2, or PS-POE-AT-TC).
On the PC, open the DGX Configuration Software.
The PC will automatically establish a virtual COM port on the Transmitter.