1. A target machine that is PXE capable. The Ammasso 1100 card must be selected as
the network boot device.
2. The Ammasso driver,
, compiled against the kernel that will be PXE
3. A ramdisk image that contains the Ammasso driver and utilities. The following files
are required for the ramdisk to load. The Ammasso 1100 needs to have firmware
loaded to it prior to loading the driver. The file locations are described below:
Firmware Loading Utility:
Ammasso Kernel Module:
2.4 Kernel:
${AMSO1100}/software/host/linux/sys/devccil/obj_`uname –
2.6 Kernel:
${AMSO1100}/software/host/linux/sys/devccil/obj_`uname –
The firmware and firmware loading utility can be copied anywhere into the ramdisk.
We recommend putting them into “
The Ammasso kernel module needs to be copied into the network modules location of
the ramdisk file system.
4. The init scripts of the ramdisk file system, commonly called the rc init scripts, will
need to be modified to get the Ammasso 1100 to load. As noted before, the firmware
must be loaded prior to loading the kernel module.
To load the firmware, we use the boot program. “
” requires two firmware files
as arguments. The command to load the firmware is:
/<path>/boot /<path>/boot_image 0x`cat \
Once the firmware has been loaded you can insmod the ccil module:
insmod /<path>/ccil.{o,ko}