6.2.3 Install MPICH and Build Binary for Cluster Deployment
1. Use the
command to unarchive the MPICH package on the build system. The
unzip/tar-extract for this example was shown using the
directory but that is not a
requirement. However placing the directory at the same location as the AMSO1100 build
directory allows the configuration to automatically find it.
# cd /tmp
# ls
. AMSO1100.tgz .ICE-unix YaST2-02308-zPffTu
.. AMSO_MPICH.tgz .qt 3Ddiag.Yp3238 gconfd-
root sysconfig-update AMSO1100 hps.test .X11-unix
# tar zxf AMSO_MPICH.tgz
# ls
. AMSO1100.tgz hps.test .X11-unix
.. AMSO_MPICH .ICE-unix YaST2-02308-zPffTu
3Ddiag.Yp3238 AMSO_MPICH.tgz .qt
AMSO1100 gconfd-root sysconfig-update
# ls
. .. Makefile mpich-1.2.5 mpich_cset scripts
2. Configure MPICH for building. This set of instructions breaks the MPICH build/install
into three separate make steps. If preferred, the user can issue
make install
goes through all three steps sequentially using the make requirements order. Although
step does not need to be done by the root user the install does, so doing this
step as a user with root privileges is recommended.
# make config
Enter the AMSO1100 build path (/tmp/AMSO1100):
Base directory to install mpich (/usr/opt/ammasso):
Enter path to c compiler (/usr/bin/gcc):
Enter path to c++ compiler (/usr/bin/g++):
Enter path to fortran 77 compiler (/usr/bin/g77):
Build shared libraries (y or n)? [no]
Enter path to remote shell (/usr/bin/rsh):
Build mpich using a Fortran 90 compiler (y or n)? [no]
You are compiling mpich on a 64-bit operating system. By default mpich is
only built natively. If you wish to build a 32-bit version as well, please
say 'yes' below. You only need a 32-bit version of mpich if you have
applications compiled as 32-bit binary only or you are unsure if your mpich
apps are 64-bit safe. If you say 'yes' here, two mpich trees will be
installed into your /usr/opt/ammasso directory. They will be called mpich-
1.2.5 and mpich-1.2.5-32.
Build 32-bit mpich (y or n)? [no]
# ls
. .. Config Makefile mpich-1.2.5 mpich_cset scripts
# cat Config