3. Build an AMSO_DAPL binary package for install on the cluster nodes.
# ls
. .. Build Config Installed Makefile dapl-1.2 dapl_cset etc scripts
# make binary
Created binary self-extracting image --> /tmp/AMSO_DAPL/image-dapl-1.2.bin
# ls
. Build Installed dapl-1.2 etc scripts
.. Config Makefile dapl_cset image-dapl-1.2.bin
is a shell script and binary image for installation on cluster
nodes. Save this file to a safe location that can be used to distribute to the cluster
# cp image-dapl-1.2.bin /tmp
6.2.5 Clean up AMSO directories and files.
Before removing the AMSO_* directories and tar archive files, be sure that the binary image
, and
have been saved in a separate location.
# cd /tmp
# ls
. AMSO1100.tgz hps.test .X11-unix
.. AMSO_MPICH .ICE-unix YaST2-02308
3Ddiag.Yp3238 AMSO_MPICH.tgz .qt
AMSO1100 gconfd-root sysconfig-update
ammasso1100.bin image-dapl-1.2.bin image-mpich-1.2.5.bin
# rm -rf AMSO*
The build system can now be rebooted.
6.3 Steps on the cluster node systems
Now that the AMSO1100, MPICH, and DAPL packages have been built on the initial build
system, only installations are required on the remaining cluster node systems (with the
requirement that the distribution, patch level and processor match).
1. For each cluster node uninstall previous AMSO1100 package installations.
2. Copy or transfer the
script to the
directory of the cluster
node system. This can be done, for example, using
, for example:
# scp app64-01:/tmp/ammasso1100.bin /tmp
3. On each cluster node, install the adapter software. The –d flag specifies which directory
to use to hold the rnic_cfg file. This can be any directory on the system.
# cd /tmp/
# ls ammasso*