3. Build MPICH.
# make
output from make, takes approximately five minutes
4. Install MPICH. This step needs to be done as the root user.
# make install
output of install
# ls /usr/opt/ammasso/
. .. bin data fw lib lib64 man mpich-1.2.5 release scripts
MPICH is now installed on the build system. If MPICH will be accessed via a
distributed filesystem such as NFS export to the cluster nodes from the build system,
the user can skip to the installing DAPL step below. However, if MPICH will be
installed on each of the cluster nodes or will be exported from another system, first
create a binary image file for installation on the cluster nodes.
5. Build a MPICH binary image for install on the cluster nodes. This step can also be done
at a later time and after a reboot provided the AMSO1100 and AMSO_MPICH build
directories are still present. The MPICH binary will install in the same base directory as
specified in the
make config
step for MPICH. If a local install has already been done
‘make install’
) the make binary needs to re-install to ensure a correct
directory structure. Therefore the make binary will prompt to overwrite the existing
installation. Say yes at this point if the MPICH installation directory
) can be over-written and the make binary will
re-install and make the binary images. If the MPICH installation directory has been
modified it will be necessary to save that directory prior to doing the make binary and
restore afterwards. To avoid the re-install, the installation and make binary can be done
with the single make binary step.
# ls
. .. Build Config Installed Makefile mpich-1.2.5 mpich_cset scripts
# make binary
output of make binary
It appears mpich has already been installed to /usr/opt/ammasso/mpich-1.2.5.