The M71V2 Expanded Memory
Handheld Terminal
This chapter describes the advanced features of the M71V2 Handheld Terminal with the
Expanded Memory module installed.
The M71V2 was designed with expandability in mind. The heart of the M71V2 is a high
speed processor and memory card. This card can be replaced with an expanded memory
version which will greatly increase the M71V2 internal memory capacity.
While the M71V2 Standard Memory version is designed primarily for terminal emulation
applications, the M71V2 Expanded Memory version is capable of running countless
existing Linux based applications as well as custom applications.
To determine if your M71V2 handheld terminal is an expanded memory version, follow
these simple steps.
How to determine the memory size of the M71V2 Handheld Terminal
M71V2 with standard memory M71V2 with expanded memory
To display the current firmware information on the M71V2, enter the Menu system and