Stop-drilling of cracks
Alterations for which specific instructions and provided in the maintenance
manual, such as
Installation of communications radios, transponder, GPS, and
Installation of strobe light system
Compliance with manufacturer creative directive when repairman
is listed as an authorized person to accomplish the alteration
(e) Heavy Maintenance, Repairs, and Alterations
Authorization to Perform—The holder of a mechanic certificate with airframe or
powerplant rating(s), or both, or an SLSA Repairman maintenance that has received
additional task specific training for the function to be performed is generally considered
the minimum level of certification to perform heavy maintenance of SLSA.
Typical Tasks Considered as Heavy Maintenance for SSLSA’s Include:
Removal and replacement of components for which instructions are provided in
the maintenance manual or service directive instructions, such as:
(i.) Complete engine removal and reinstallation in support of an engine
overhaul or to install a new engine
(ii.) Remove and replacement of engine cylinders, pistons
(iii.) or valve assemblies, or a combination thereof
(iv.) Primary flight control cables/components
(v.) Landing gear assemblies.
(2) Repair of components or aircraft structure, or both, for which instructions are
provided in the maintenance manual or service directive instructions, such as:
(i.) Repainting of control surfaces,
(ii.) Structural repairs, and
(iii.) Recovering of a dope and fabric covered aircraft.
(3) Alterations of components or aircraft structure, or both, for which instructions are
provided in the maintenance manual or service directive instruction, such as:
(i.) Initial installation of skis, and
(ii.) Installation of new additional pitot static instruments
Appendix 2 July 09
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