6.1.1. Test 1 - Visual inspection
Closely examine the Ambu AuraOnce for any damage, such as perforation, scratches, blockage, loose parts, etc.
Do not use the Ambu AuraOnce if it is damaged in any way.
6.1.2. Test 2 - Infl ation/defl ation test
Ambu recommends to defl ate the cuff of the Ambu AuraOnce completely. Once defl ated, check the cuff thoroughly
for any wrinkles or folds. Over-infl ate the cuff to the appropriate volume as specifi ed in Table 5. Check that the
infl ated cuff is symmetrical and smooth. There should not be any bulge nor any sign of leakage in the cuff, pilot
tubing or pilot balloon.
Do not use the Ambu AuraOnce if there are any bulges on the cuff or if there are any signs of leakage.
Table 5. Test cuff over-infl ation volumes for the Ambu AuraOnce
The infl ation volumes specifi ed in Table 5 are for testing purposes only. These volumes are not to be used
during normal use of the device – the recommended standard infl ation volumes can be found in Table 3.
Mask size
Over-infl ation
cuff volumes
6 ml
10 ml
15 ml
21 ml
30 ml
45 ml
60 ml
75 ml
• Do not use the device if any test fails.
• Dispose of the Ambu AuraOnce in a safe manner according to local guidelines of medical waste.