8.2. Use of the Ambu AuraOnce for blind tracheal intubation
There is currently no published data on blind tracheal intubation through the Ambu AuraOnce. We have no clinical
evidence to verify success rate and useful technique. We can therefore not recommend blind tracheal intubation
through Ambu AuraOnce.
8.3. Pediatric use
The Ambu AuraOnce comes in four different sizes for infant/pediatric patients. See Table 3 for selection guidelines
and maximum infl ation volumes.
It is recommended that the Ambu AuraOnce in neonates and small children is used by an clinician familiar with
pediatric anesthesia.
The insertion of the Ambu AuraOnce in pediatric patients can be performed in the same way as described for
adults following either intravenous or gaseous induction. It is important that an adequate level of anesthesia
(or unconsciousness) is achieved before insertion. The insertion should be successful at the same level of anesthesia
that would be suitable for tracheal intubation. If the clinician wishes to intubate the child via the AuraOnce it is
recommended that an exchange catheter is used over a fi berscope.
Please note that with the Ambu AuraOnce, as with any form of airway management and anesthesia in pediatric
patients, where ventilation is insuffi cient, desaturation is likely to occur faster because of the higher oxygen
consumption of pediatric patients.
8.4. Critical situations and emergencies
8.4.1. Critical situations
The Ambu AuraOnce is not intended for use as a replacement for the endotracheal tube. However, in cases where
tracheal intubation is not suitable or has failed, the Ambu AuraOnce may be used successfully to establish an airway.
8.4.2. Emergencies
The Ambu AuraOnce may be used during cardiopulmonary resuscitation, either as a temporary rescue airway or as
a conduit to intubation. In the resuscitation situation, the patient must be profoundly unconscious with obtunded
airway refl exes. The risk of regurgitation and aspiration must be balanced against the potential benefi t of
establishing an airway and providing oxygenation.
8.5. Magentic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
The Ambu AuraOnce has been determined to be MRI safe and compatible. That is, when placed in a patient
undergoing an MRI procedure, the Ambu AuraOnce will nor present any additional risk to the patient, neither affect
image quality.
Care should be taken to monitor the patient carefully during MRI to ensure that correct positioning of the
tube is maintained.