5. Adverse effects
Use of the Ambu AuraOnce may cause minor adverse effects (e.g., sore throat) and major adverse effects
(e.g., aspiration).
6. Preparation for use
6.1. Functional testing
Functional testing as described below must be carried out before using the device. The tests should be conducted
in a manner consistent with accepted medical practice that minimizes contamination of the Ambu AuraOnce prior
to insertion.
• Handle the Ambu AuraOnce carefully as it is made of PVC which can be torn or punctured. Avoid contact
with sharp or pointed objects.
• Always wear gloves during the preparation and insertion of the Ambu AuraOnce to minimize contamination.
• Make sure that the cuff protector has been removed from the cuff
4. Principles of operation
The Ambu AuraOnce comes in eight different sizes for use in patients of different weight. See table below for
selection guidelines and max. infl ation volumes. Please note that the cuff infl ation volumes shown in table 3 are
maximum volumes. Applying the stated maximum infl ation volume may respond to a cuff pressure above the
maximum of 60 cm H
O. It is recommended to continuously monitor the cuff pressure.
Mask size
Patient weight
<5 kg
5-10 kg
10-20 kg
20-30 kg
30-50 kg
50-70 kg
70-100 kg
>100 kg
Maximum cuff
infl ation volume
4 ml
7 ml
10 ml
14 ml
20 ml
30 ml
40 ml
50 ml
Maximum intracuff
60 cm H
Table 3. Selection guidelines for the Ambu AuraOnce
The mask is designed to conform with the contours of the hypopharynx with its lumen facing the laryngeal opening.
When correctly inserted, the distal tip of the cuff rests against the upper oesophageal sphincter.
See fi gure
. Correct position of the Ambu AuraOnce in relation to anatomical landmarks
Anatomical Landmarks
A - Esophagus
G - Hyoid bone
B - Trachea
H - Tongue
C - Cricoid ring
I - Buccal cavity
D - Thyroid cartilage
J - Nasopharynx
E - Laryngeal inlet
K - Incisors
F - Epiglottis
Table 4. Description of anatomical landmarks and Ambu AuraOnce parts
AuraOnce parts
1 - Patient end
2 - Size marking
3 - Ventilatory opening
4 - Ventilatory pathway
5 - Normal depth of insertion marks
6 - Machine end