Catros BAG0046.7 03.14
8.2 Adjusting
wheels to the working depth
The height of the support wheels (Fig. 37/1) can
be adjusted manually by means of a spindle (Fig.
The height of the support wheels must be ad-
justed each time the working depth of the imple-
ment is reset.
Adjustable spindle shorter
for reduced working depth
Adjustable spindle longer
for greater working depth
Set support wheels to the same work-
ing depth on both sides!
Fig. 37
Adjusting spindle with ratchet
1. Release hand lever (Fig. 38/1) from ten-
sioner (Fig. 38/2).
2. Remove clip pin (Fig. 39/1).
3. Engage rotating lever (Fig. 39/2) according
to desired direction of rotation.
4. Extend/shorten spindle (Fig. 38/3) by
means of the hand lever.
5. Secure setting with clip pin.
6. Secure hand lever with tensioner.
Fig. 38
During normal working, support
wheels should just be slightly rota-
tional. They should not support the
weight of the side frame on the
Overloading causes damage to the
support wheels and is not proper and
not approved use!
Fig. 39