pressed, the clock receiver is enabled to acquire the Atomic Time
Synchronization signal, and the indicator will display the triangle tower
symbol. Once the correct minutes and seconds [time] is received the curved
wave symbol will be displayed with the tower.
If your PIX-25 is located in an area that cannot receive the Atomic time
signal, DO NOT be concerned, since the PIX-25 is able to accurately keep the
time using its quartz mechanism (plus or minus three (3) seconds per
Please visit
for more
information about how radio-controlled clocks work, where they work, and
what to do when they don’t work.
Inappropriate places to keep the unit for atomic signal
Please note that the clock may be unable to receive radio wave signals
properly under the following conditions.
Inside a large building, between tall buildings,
underground or in buildings without windows.
Close to overhead power lines, TV stations and
train cables.
Close to home electrical appliances or devices
such as TV’s, PC’s, refrigerators or fax
Close to furniture made of steel, such as a steel desk.
In places generating radio interference, such as near construction sites,
airports or in heavy traffic.
Inside a vehicle, train or airplane.
To help enhance signal reception, Amano recommends facing the
clock display in either South or North direction.
Ribbon Cartridge Replacement
Step 1.
Insert the clock key and turn clockwise to unlock the cover, lift up
the cover, and remove for ribbon access. Locate the ribbon cradle.
– You MUST have the key to remove the cover for ribbon
The Amano PIX-25 clock pictured in the Figure (below) shows a typical
layout with the ribbon cartridge in the cradle.
: 866-487-4751