EPC-250 IOI 6-18 All rights reserved © ALTRONIC, LLC 2018
Touch Icons
There are three soft keys below the display area that have been programmed
to a designated page. The home icon is the Main Menu page, Blue dash Air
PID SETPOINTS page and Exclamation ICon takes user to the Alarms page.
SD Memory Card
SD slot accepts standard capacity cards up to 4Gbyte. SD Memory cards can
be used for configuration transfers, larger configurations, data logging and
trending. They are available at most computer and office supply retailers.
The Modbus Terminal Board (MTB) is the input card to the HMI. Pressure and
temperature input signals are accept via the two terminal connections for each
Channel. Each channel is predetermined by the wiring schematic of figure 4.
Sensors 2, 3, 7 and 27 are pre-wired based on the Legacy EPC-200 existing
terminal connection. All other sensors will be wired directly to the MTB termi-
nal connection. These sensors can be used for either a normally-open switch,
normally-closed switch, or analog inputs including K- or J-type thermocouples.
These are listed as channels 01–30. They accept industry-standard transducer
signals in the range of 0-5Vdc.
The Modbus Terminal Board is designed to operate with industry-standard
voltage—or current-amplified—output transducers in the range of 0-5Vdc or
0-25mA. Four series of transducers are available from Altronic: pressure trans-
ducers (691201-x, 691204-x) and temperature transducers (691202/203-
300, 691212/213-450).
Pressure Transducers
The pressure transducers (Altronic P/N 691201-x and P/N 691204-x) are
packaged in a rugged, sealed case with a NPT pressure port, a corrosion resis-
tant media cavity, and a Metri-Pack connector. The ranges available are 0-15,
0-25, 0-50, 0-100, 0-300, 0-500, 0-1000, 02000, and 0-5000PSIG for the
691201-x series; and 0-15, 0-20, 0-30, 0-50, 0-100, 0-300, 0-500PSIA for
the 691204-x series. All have an overload rating of 1.5 times full scale without
damage. The three wires from the transducer are: +5 volt excitation, +0.5 to
4.5 volt output, and minus return.
Note: Do not remove or insert the SD
Memory card while power is applied.
A card with a larger capacity may be
used. Cards MUST be formatted to
2GB and use the FAT 16 file system.
The card must remain inserted while
operating the EPC-250.