EPC-250 IOI 6-18 All rights reserved © ALTRONIC, LLC 2018
Pushing the Lean/Rich button displays a page which indicates any changes
made to the base air/fuel ratio post commissioning. Pressing the Save Curve
As Default button saves the commissioning air/fuel data points to memory.
The vertical graphs are set to zero. Modifications to the air/fuel ratio will be
shown as an increasing or decreasing level. This allows the operator to see any
changes post commissioning. If required, pressing the Restore Default Curve
button will restore the parameters that were used prior to the last change.
Once an EPC-250 is programmed and is controlling an engine, the control
program may be fine tuned in order to attain optimum fuel efficiency, emis-
sions and/or performance. This can typically be accomplished using the Rich
or Lean arrow buttons to make small advances in ignition timing or slight
adjustments to the air/fuel ratio.
Lean/Rich Arrows
The EPC-250 allows the operator to easily change the air/fuel ratio if needed.
The controller will determine which segment will be affected when pressing
the Lean or Rich arrow. Typically, pressing the Lean arrow will add air, thereby
lowering the exhaust temperature. Pressing the Rich arrow will subtract air,
thereby raising the exhaust temperature. This feature increases or decreases
the two values of the Air Plot Curve in the gray box.
CAUTION: The waste gate must be
in manual before this operation is
executed. Failure to do so will lead to
an engine shutdown or backfire.
CAUTION: This feature is for making
small changes to an engine that is
in good running condition; it is not
intended for correcting mechanical
malfunction or operationnal issues
such as an overloaded engine.