E x p r E s s T o u c h o p E r A T I N G I N s T r u c T I o N s
CT ExprEss sTEp by sTEp opEraTion
combinaTion modE chEf opEraTing Tips
The Combination mode injects the optimum amount of
steam automatically . There is no need to select moisture
levels . Foods do not dry out . Flavors are retained with no
transfer of flavors when mixing product loads.
Due to automatic steam adjustment, the door can be
opened at any time during a cooking operation . Be
certain to observe the safety warning when opening the
oven door .
The Combination mode is particularly efficient when
used for baking, broiling, grilling, stewing, braising,
and roasting .
When using the Combination mode, cooking temperatures
can be reduced 10- to 20-percent below the temperatures
used for conventional cooking methods .
Cooking time will be reduced approximately 40-percent
when cooking at the same temperature used for
convection oven cooking and up to 50- to 60-percent less
time when cooking at the same temperature used for a
conventional oven .
Food browning in the Combitherm begins at a cooking
temperature of approximately 250°F (120°C) .
A higher cooking temperature results in heavier browning
but also results in greater product weight loss . To achieve
additional browning use the Moisture Vent Key or set
Gold-n-Brown into the product procedure . Gold-n-Brown
is particularly useful for adding color to high moisture
products such as chicken and other poultry items or
for additional browning of full loads and other
moist products .
The Combination mode provides even browning without
the necessity to turn the pans .
For more even cooking, do not cook in pans deeper than
4" (100mm).