saved – next number in order. It is activated message
„Connection failed. Try again later please.“ Port I1 remains
closed (EMERGENCY (ALARM) status is activated). Number
MASTER5 (numbers saved after interrupted serie) are used as
numbers which you can make incoming call into unit.
Blocking of emergency call
Emergency call activation might be blocked by short circuit of
blocking input IN2. It is adjustable how long must be port
closed for blocking activation as same as time for which is
blocking still active even port is deactivated (off). In case of
button press during blocking (button press for time necessary
to activate emergency call) is activated message „Emergency
call is blocked. Try again later please.“. But if the button is
pressed for more than 30 seconds, the lockout is cancelled
and the emergency call is activated (EN 81-28: 2018)
Blocking is connected to door contact. The door are opened-
port is short circuited
Activation time of port short circuit 3s
Blocking surveillance after port is deactivated 65s (time of
longest lift run)
Lift doors are closing, lift starts running, call is blocked. After
button is pressed, the message „Emergency call is blocked.
Try again later please.“ is activated.
Blocking is connected to door contact. The door are opened-
port is short circuited
Activation time of port short circuit 3s
Blocking survilance after port is deactivated 65s (time of
longest lift run