Spanning Tree Protocol
ELAN Spanning Tree Parameters
Your switch, along with other Spanning Tree compliant bridges in the
network, dynamically configures the network topology into a single Spanning
Tree by exchanging Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs). Typically, each
LAN segment is sent one BPDU every two seconds.
When there are multiple ports connecting LANs in a loop, the Spanning Tree
algorithm determines which port should forward packets to the LAN. If
there is a cable break or a port failure, the network topology is automatically
reconfigured by STP to create an alternate path to the LAN.
When you select the Elan spanning tree parameters option the following
menu, with three informational columns, will appear:
ELAN Number: 1 through 64
ELAN Name: Either the default or a name assigned by you.
ATM Forwarding State: Enabled (Blocking, Listening, Learning,
Forwarding) and Disabled
The Status column shows the current state of the LECs ports as defined by
the application of the Spanning Tree Protocol. Status controls the action an
ELAN takes, if any, when a frame is received and applied to the ATM port for
that ELAN.
Enabled indicates a port that is currently forwarding frames — a
ready (but not necessarily currently active) — port.
A T M F o r w a r d i n g S t a t e