Operations Manual
Text strings require the double quote (“”) character. When a character string
is to be removed, enter a NULL STRING. A NULL STRING is defined as
two consecutive double quotes (“”) which will be interpreted as a string
length of zero.
In the configuration field examples that follow, there are numerous fields that
do not have double quotes around the value that is to be entered. These are
“defined” as constant fields. The allowable constant values are listed for each
field. The use of quotes around the constant value will cause this field setting
to be ignored.
An image file uses a binary format. Configuration data uses an ASCII format.
The switch, however, has the ability to differentiate between the two formats
and, once differentiated, accepts and places this data in the correct place.
Not all configuration fields apply to all products. This file includes
configuration data for the AT-S6 (AT-3690), AT-S7, v2.x (AT-4016 with
PVC’s), AT-S9 v2.x (AT-TS95TR) with PVC’s and AT-S13 (AT-4016TR and
AT-4016F with SVC’s) and the AT-S16 (AT-TS95TR with SVC’s). Exceptions
are noted.
To obtain a current image for an AT-4016TR, AT-4016F, or AT-TS95TR
respectively, enter either:
tftp get image.s13 (IP address) AT4016 octet (or)
tftp get image.s14 (IP address) AT4016 octet
tftp get image.s16 (IP address) ATTS95 octet
The switch will respond to a TFTP “get” request by transferring an image file
of the software currently executing in that unit to the requesting host. This
enables you to download the software onto another host system.
The host computer should then save the uploaded binary program image into
a file without otherwise modifying it in any way.
When you receive a “get” file from a device that has had its default
configuration values changed, you receive only those parameters, not the
entire configuration.