Chapter 5: Configuring the CopperJet
5.2 Quickstart
With the Quickstart option you can configure your CopperJet in only a few steps.
The number of steps is depending on the specific ISP network.
To use the Quickstart, click on Quickstart (on the left hand side).
The Quickstart page is displayed.
Select your ISP network from the dropdown-list and click on OK. Some settings
may already been pre-configured. This is shown at the top op the page Pre-
defined Settings.
Depending on the ISP selected, you may have to enter more information like fill
in Username and Password.
If you have finished entering all the information, click on OK and the Store
Configuration & Restart Device page is displayed.
Click on Store.
The configuration will now be saved into the unit and the unit will reboot.
After reboot the CopperJet is correctly configured for your ISP network.
Note: Depending on the pre-defined settings, your network card settings may not
be correct anymore. Make sure that your network card is correctly configured.