Allflex AWR300 User Guide
Page 31
Select the Read Mode using the / / / keys and
confirm with .
The ‘Auto’ setting starts a Single Read on a short press of
and Continuous Read on a long press ( > one second).
Set Online Mode
The Online Mode deals with the format used for sending the EID to the interfaces directly after
a tag has been read. The interface can be USB or Bluetooth. Usually the EID is further
processed on a third-party device such as a weighing indicator or a smartphone. It is important
to know which format is expected by this other device and to configure the correct one.
After selecting ‘Set Online Mode’, a new menu appears. The
first menu item enables activating or deactivating the
Online Mode completely. The second determines the
format used for sending the EID.
The Online Mode is switched on by default. When switched
off, the AWR300 will not send the EID to the interfaces after
reading a tag! It is not recommended to disable it unless
absolutely required. Select the desired setting using the /
/ / keys and confirm with .
Select the correct output format via or and confirm
with .
The default output format is ‘
Short ASCII 15
’. This sends the 3-digit country code directly
followed by the 12-digit national ID (no space in between), terminated with <CR><LF>. This
format is quite common and accepted by most weighing indicators on the market.
A detailed explanation of the AWR300 output formats can be found in the separate document