Rockwell Automation Publication MOTION-UM002F-EN-P - February 2018
Motion Axis Time Cam (MATC) 223, 229, 231, 236, 237
Motion Calculate Transform Position (MCTP) 46
Motion Calculate Transform Position with Orientation (MCTPO) 49, 140,
146, 166, 210
Motion Coordinated Circular Move (MCTO) 49, 140, 143, 146, 149, 205
Motion Coordinated Path Move (MCPM) 49, 51, 53, 198, 200, 204, 210
Motion Coordinated Transform (MCT) 46
Multi-Axis Coordinated Motion Instructions 46, 49
Master Driven Coordinate Control (MDCC) 210
Motion Calculate Transform Position (MCTP) 46
Motion Calculate Transform Position with Orientation (MCTPO) 49,
140, 146, 166, 210
Motion Coordinated Change Dynamics (MCCD) 59
Motion Coordinated Circular Move (MCCM) 46, 47, 59
Motion Coordinated Circular Move (MCTO) 49, 140, 143, 146, 149, 205
Motion Coordinated Linear Move (MCLM) 46, 47, 59
Motion Coordinated Path Move (MCPM) 49, 51, 53, 198, 200, 204, 210
Motion Coordinated Stop (MCS) 59
Motion Coordinated Transform (MCT) 46
Orientation specification 127
pending cams 237
point conversion 129
position cam profile 222
program with no orientation 46
blended moves with MCLM and MCCM 47
example ladder diagram 47
program with orientation 49
blending path moves with MCPM 49
superimposed motion with MCPM 53
use MCPM blending with orientation 51
RxRyRz, flip, mirror flip condition 130
sample projects 11
scaling cams 229
position cam profiles 229
time cam profiles 230
SCARA Delta 106
base offset 109
configuation parameters 109
end effector offset 109
establish the reference frame 107
identify the work envelope 108
link lengths 109
negative X1b offset 110
SCARA Independent 111
configuration parameters 113
link lengths 114
reference frame 111
work envelope 113
termination type 59
time cam profile 223
tool frame offsets 146
tool frame example 149
Transform representation of point 122
translation and rotation example 136
turns counters 205
work frame offsets 140
work frame examples 143